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The Soul Attune

Do you ever feel like?...

You don't have enough confidence in yourself?


You have low self worth?


You are a people pleaser?


You lose yourself in relationships?


You find it difficult to trust other people or yourself?


You don't know how to love yourself?


You feel anxious on a daily basis but don't know why?


You feel lost and lacking direction in life?


Do you want to feel this instead!...


Confident and glowing inside and out!


Have soul purpose and clear direction in your life!


Confident saying NO to people and places that are not aligned with you!


Show up confidently and authentically as yourself in relationships


Really truly know how to love yourself and put yourself first!


Feel empowered and in control of your emotions!


Deeply know your self worth and your value!


Connected to your soul and intuition on a deep and powerful level!


This is for you if....

If you said YES to any of these and you feel called to drastically change your life for the better, then this SOUL ATTUNE PROGRAM is for you!


If you have had enough of relationships not working, or constantly being let down and you want to step out of your own way and take ownership of your life once and for all, the SOUL ATTUNE PROGRAM is for you!


If you want to feel more confident in yourself, showing up as your true authentic self and shining your light as you were absolutely meant to, the SOUL ATTUNE PROGRAM is for you!


If you want to finally say goodbye to anxiety and feeling lost and you want crystal clear clarity and soul purpose, the SOUL ATTUNE PROGRAM is for you!

What's in the program?...

This is a 12 week program where we dive deep into your healing and subconscious programming to remove the energy blockages and then work on your mindset to move forward with new confidence, clarity and soul purpose!


The 12 week program consists of:


  • 6 x online coaching calls

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  • 3 x in person Reiki sessions

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  • Email access and Whatsapp support

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  • Meditations to guide you


Investment: £777


(Payment plan available)



The Pillars we cover...

In the SOUL ATTUNE Program we cover themes of ..



You will learn how to bring in the awareness of what you have been experiencing in your life and how that has been showing up for you throughout your relationships, what has been going well and what things you want to work on



Now you can begin to understand the patterns that have been repeating in your life, in relationships, and can now form solutions, create new patterns from the awareness and create a clearer direction for yourself. You start to understand other people around you better, understand their projections of their own story and form compassion. Compassion is the key here


Tuning In

You will learn how to listen to your intuition, what is it trying to tell you, and how it is showing up for you in your body so you can act on it when it is sending you a message. What type of messages do you receive, Clairvoyant, claircognisanze, clairsentient, clairaudient,



You can start to implement that self love and self care routines to look after your self first, put your own needs as a priority and hold those healthy boundaries for yourself and in your relationships. You nurture your inner child so she can be seen and heard so that you won’t ever have to betray yourself again. This comes as we reparent your younger self and situations now that arise where you hold compassion and kindness and softness for yourself - and ultimately forgiveness



You learn how to trust yourself more, trust in your intuition, decision making skills, what your body is trying to tell you, what you want from your life, what your purpose is. You trust in the universe, in the unknown - you have the faith to move forward with you soul desire and be unforgiving in your why



You can now confidently shine as the person you always knew you could be, having learnt all the tools to protect your energy, hold healthy boundaries and know your true purpose in this life! You show up as your inner goddess every day, proud of being authentic and true to yourself. You are grounded and firm in your values and you know your worth. You don't settle for anything less because you have done the work and you have up-levelled to unimaginable heights! You integrate all the learnings and embody her as your highest self



Natalie - Poland

"From the moment I met Michelle I felt this amazing positive energy beaming from her. She sure transferred that energy to me, I felt great after my first session. Michelle is a great channel and I am looking forward to more sessions with her."

Apply here to work with me

Email me with the words 'SOUL ATTUNE' to get started on your healing journey back to your true souls purpose!

Thanks for submitting!

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